Free Career Quiz for Teens

Anxious About Which Classes to Choose for High School? We’ll make it easy for you. 

First of all, it’s okay to be anxious about the choices you’re about to make.

You want to start setting yourself up for the most fulfilling and successful life possible, and high school is where you lay the foundations for those outcomes. 

This free career quiz for students can help you see which careers are the best fits for you according to your:

  • Natural Talents and gifts
  • Personality traits
  • Personal Values

Once that’s done, we’ll help you simplify your class selection according to your recommended career!

Take the First Step on Your Career Journey.

Access Your Free Career Quiz Now

Designed According to Input From Over 200+ Industry Leaders, Academic Research, and the Future of the Workplace

This isn’t some “run-of-the-mill” online personality or aptitude test that you do for fun…

Of course— it’ll be quick, and easy to get through, but there’s a lot more to this test than first meets the eye.

This career quiz for students has been intentionally designed based on input from:

  • Industry Leaders Who’ve Walked the Path You’re About to Embark on

They’ve seen personality traits and talents play out and know on average which personality types are best suited for which field of work

They have a firm grasp of how your innate talents can affect your outcomes, including your level of fulfillment

They know the most efficient paths forward, helping you skip over boring or unnecessary classes that won’t really make an impact on your career.

  • Thousands of Hours of Academic Research

To create the best career quiz for teenagers possible, the Careers that Matter team has combed through thousands of academic research papers.

As a result, they’ve isolated the talents, personality traits, and values that lead to the most impact, fulfillment, and long-term success according to your chosen career paths.

In essence, they’ve used research to look into the future, understood the ways that you can grow as a person, and have matched who you can become at your peak, to the happiest and best career for you.

  • The Coming Workplace Transformations That Will Redefine Careers in the Next Gen

Technology and the workplace are so closely linked that it’s nearly impossible to separate them.

With the accelerating growth of Artificial Intelligence, it’s natural to be at least a little worried about what the next generation of careers will look like. We’ve taken that into consideration while designing this quiz, catering toward careers that are far more likely to stand the test of time.

So you won’t end up like horse and buggy salesmen of the past— suddenly replaced by technology after dedicating yourself to building up a business.

Take the First Step on Your Career Journey.

Access Your Free Career Quiz Now

Your Chance to Create the Smoothest, Straightest Path to Happiness, Fulfillment, and Success

We’re living in a world that’s far more connected than it has ever been, and as a result, more and more young people like yourself are growing increasingly concerned about the future. 

What can I do to change things?

How can I make my mark on the world?

How can I make things better for the people around me and future generations?

And of course:

How can I do all of that and be happy at the same time?

Unfortunately, that’s a question that most people never get an answer to. Most adults live unfulfilled lives, stuck in careers that pay the bills, but drain them emotionally. They don’t have the prospect for career happiness, impact, or even retiring rich.


Because they took the wrong turns early on, and eventually, expenses and life pressures caught up to them, forcing them to make decisions to survive, and locking them into careers that made them feel like slaves. 

This Career Quiz for Students is the perfect antidote to this. 

Even if you don’t get a career selection that meets all of your immediate expectations and your current self-image, you’ll get a range of ideas and an understanding of yourself that will inform the choices you’re about to make. 

You’ll get the headstart that most of those enslaved adults WISHED they had at your age. 

So don’t miss your opportunity. Take this quiz in a quiet environment free of distraction and give it your best!

Take the First Step on Your Career Journey.

Access Your Free Career Quiz Now


Which Career Personality Are You?

Take our five minute career quiz for high school students above to find out. 

The Inspector

Your practical, detail-oriented, and responsible nature sets you apart as a reliable and meticulous individual. Your ability to analyze information, maintain consistency, and follow rules makes you a true inspector, capable of ensuring accuracy and precision in various tasks. You possess a unique talent for creating order and structure in both professional and personal environments.

In a world where reliability and attention to detail are highly valued, your presence as The Inspector becomes indispensable. Your methodical approach and steadfast dedication to quality make you a valued team member and a pillar of stability. Your commitment to established processes and standards earns you the trust and respect of those around you.

As The Inspector, you're not confined by uncertainty or hasty decisions; your thoroughness and sense of responsibility guide you. Your ability to identify potential pitfalls and mitigate risks adds an invaluable layer of assurance to projects and undertakings.

In a rapidly changing world, where precision and dependability are crucial, your role as The Inspector gains even greater significance. Your capacity to uphold standards and ensure accuracy is sought after in various jobs of the future. These careers will not only harness your natural strengths but also provide you with the platform to contribute meaningfully and leave a lasting impact on the organizations you serve.

20 Career Ideas for The Inspector

The Supporter

Your warm, empathetic, and caring nature sets you apart as a pillar of support for those around you. Your genuine desire to help others and maintain harmony makes you an invaluable asset in any team or community. With your exceptional ability to understand and connect with people on a deep level, you create a nurturing and welcoming environment for everyone you encounter.

You thrive in roles that allow you to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Your innate sense of responsibility and reliability makes you the go-to person for friends, family, and colleagues when they need a helping hand or a listening ear. Your dedication to the well-being of those you care about is unwavering, and your efforts often go beyond what is expected, leaving a lasting impact on those fortunate enough to know you.

In a rapidly evolving world, where compassion and understanding are essential, your role as The Supporter becomes even more crucial. Your unwavering commitment to nurturing and caring for others positions you for success in various jobs of the future. These careers will not only harness your nurturing personality but also allow you to contribute to positive changes in society and the world at large.

20 Career Ideas for The Supporter

The Counselor

Your empathetic, insightful, and compassionate nature sets you apart as a deep and caring soul. Your ability to understand and connect with others on a profound level makes you a valuable confidante and a beacon of support for those seeking guidance. You possess an innate talent for seeing the hidden emotions and unspoken thoughts of those around you, making you a true empath.

In a world where genuine understanding and emotional support are often rare, your presence shines like a guiding light for those in need. Your authentic concern for the well-being of others extends beyond mere sympathy, as you truly immerse yourself in their emotions and experiences. Your keen intuition allows you to sense what others may struggle to express, enabling you to offer genuine comfort and solace.

As The Counselor, you possess a unique ability to help others discover their true selves and navigate the complexities of life. Your gift of listening without judgment and offering profound insights makes you a source of strength and inspiration to those fortunate enough to share their lives with you.

In a rapidly changing world, where emotional well-being is increasingly recognized as crucial to overall health and happiness, your role as The Counselor becomes even more essential. Your compassionate and healing presence is in high demand across various jobs of the future. These careers will not only harness your natural strengths but also allow you to make a profound impact on individuals and society as a whole.

20 Career Ideas for The Counselor

The Strategist

Your analytical, logical, and inventive mind sets you apart as a visionary thinker and a master strategist. Your ability to see the bigger picture and devise intricate plans makes you a formidable force in navigating complex challenges. You possess a rare combination of intellect, creativity, and determination, allowing you to delve deep into the realm of possibilities and uncover innovative solutions.

In a world driven by constant change and dynamic challenges, your presence as The Strategist becomes invaluable. Your thirst for knowledge and your penchant for dissecting intricate problems equip you to tackle some of the most profound issues facing society. Your keen sense of vision enables you to conceptualize ambitious projects and lay out a roadmap for success.

As The Strategist, you're not one to be confined by traditional norms. Your thirst for knowledge and insatiable curiosity lead you to explore uncharted territories, seeking cutting-edge ideas and technologies that can transform the world. Your unwavering determination and ability to stay focused on long-term goals make you a force to be reckoned with in any field you choose to conquer.

In a rapidly evolving world, where innovation and adaptability are vital, your role as The Strategist gains even greater significance. Your strategic thinking is in high demand across various jobs of the future. These careers will not only harness your natural strengths but also provide you with the platform to revolutionize industries and shape the future.

20 Career Ideas for The Strategist

The Artisan

Your hands-on, practical, and resourceful nature sets you apart as a master of craftsmanship. Your ability to understand how things work and your keen eye for detail make you a true artisan, adept at bringing ideas to life through tangible creations. You possess a unique blend of technical expertise and artistic flair, making you an invaluable asset in any creative endeavor.

In a world driven by innovation and hands-on problem-solving, your presence as The Artisan becomes indispensable. Your natural talent for working with tools and materials enables you to excel in various domains, from engineering and design to art and construction. Your adaptability and eagerness to tackle challenges head-on make you a reliable and versatile team member.

As The Artisan, you're not one to be confined by conventions. Your passion for exploration and your desire to understand how things work lead you to experiment with diverse techniques and materials. Your willingness to get your hands dirty and dive into new projects with enthusiasm make you a formidable force in mastering any craft you set your mind to.

In a rapidly changing world, where innovation and creativity are essential, your role as The Artisan gains even greater significance. Your practical expertise is in high demand across various "jobs of the future." These careers will not only harness your natural strengths but also provide you with the platform to leave a lasting legacy through your creations.

20 Career Ideas for The Artisan

The Artist

Your creative, sensitive, and expressive nature sets you apart as a true dreamer and an enchanting storyteller. Your ability to perceive the world through a unique lens and translate your emotions into captivating works of art makes you a powerful force in inspiring others and evoking profound emotions. You possess a remarkable talent for connecting with the depths of human emotions, crafting beauty from the essence of life itself.

In a world where self-expression and imagination are revered, your presence as The Artist becomes indispensable. Your passion for creativity knows no bounds, as you use various artistic mediums to convey your innermost thoughts and sentiments. Your authentic and genuine approach to art invites others to see the world through your eyes, leaving a lasting impression that resonates with their hearts.

As The Artist, you're not confined by conventional boundaries or the constraints of reality. Your imagination knows no limits, and you delight in exploring uncharted territories to find inspiration for your next masterpiece. Your ability to immerse yourself in your craft with a sense of wonder allows you to transform the ordinary into something extraordinary.

In a rapidly changing world, where originality and emotional connections are vital, your role as The Artist gains even greater significance. Your artistic prowess is in high demand across various jobs of the future. These careers will not only harness your natural strengths but also provide you with the platform to make a profound impact on individuals and society as a whole.


20 Career Ideas for The Artist

The Dreamer

Your introspective, compassionate, and imaginative nature sets you apart as a profound thinker and a visionary dreamer. Your ability to dive deep into the realm of emotions and ideas makes you a true poet of the soul, capable of weaving enchanting tales and expressing profound truths through your art and insights. You possess a rare gift for understanding the human experience on a profound and empathetic level.

In a world where creativity and authenticity are treasured, your presence as The Dreamer becomes invaluable. Your boundless imagination allows you to explore the limitless possibilities of life and envision a world that embodies your deepest ideals and desires. Your profound sense of compassion for others fuels your desire to create a positive impact, touching the lives of those around you with your unique perspectives.

As The Dreamer, you're not confined by the limitations of reality; instead, you soar through the realms of ideas, weaving tapestries of emotion and inspiration. Your ability to channel your innermost feelings into art, writing, or any creative outlet gives you the power to inspire and uplift others, guiding them on a journey of self-discovery.

In a rapidly changing world, where individuality and emotional connections are vital, your role as The Dreamer gains even greater significance. Your capacity to see beauty in the simplest of things and the potential for change in the most challenging situations makes you an agent of hope and inspiration.

20 Career Ideas for The Dreamer

The Thinker

Your analytical, logical, and innovative nature sets you apart as a brilliant problem solver and a deep thinker. Your insatiable curiosity and love for intellectual challenges make you a relentless seeker of knowledge and understanding. As an INTP, you possess a unique ability to dissect complex ideas and explore the intricacies of the world with unrivaled precision.

In a world driven by innovation and scientific exploration, your presence as The Thinker becomes indispensable. Your keen intellect and thirst for knowledge allow you to excel in unraveling the mysteries of the universe and devising revolutionary ideas and solutions. Your unyielding commitment to seeking truth and logical coherence makes you a valuable asset in the pursuit of progress.

As The Thinker, you're not confined by conventional norms or preconceived notions. Your mind is a vast landscape of ideas, theories, and possibilities. Your ability to connect seemingly unrelated concepts enables you to envision breakthroughs and inventions that transcend the boundaries of imagination.

In a rapidly changing world, where cutting-edge discoveries and technological advancements are vital, your role as The Thinker gains even greater significance. Your scientific and intellectual prowess is in high demand across various "jobs of the future." These careers will not only harness your natural strengths but also provide you with the platform to leave an indelible mark on human knowledge and understanding.

20 Career Ideas for The Thinker

The Entrepreneur

Your charismatic, innovative, and risk-taking nature sets you apart as a trailblazer and a natural-born leader. Your ability to see opportunities where others see challenges and your penchant for turning ideas into reality make you a dynamic force in the world of business and innovation. You possess a unique blend of creativity and strategic thinking, making you a true pioneer in driving change.

In a world where entrepreneurship and disruptive thinking are celebrated, your presence as The Entrepreneur becomes invaluable. Your boundless energy and enthusiasm inspire those around you, igniting the spark of innovation and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Your agile and adaptive approach to problem-solving allows you to navigate uncertainties with confidence and grace.

As The Entrepreneur, you're not confined by the status quo or conventional thinking. Your mind thrives on exploring uncharted territories, launching ventures, and charting new courses to success. Your fearlessness in taking risks and your ability to bounce back from failures make you a resilient force in the realm of business.

In a rapidly changing world, where innovation and agility are vital, your role as The Entrepreneur gains even greater significance. Your entrepreneurial spirit is in high demand across various jobs of the future. These careers will not only harness your natural strengths but also provide you with the platform to leave a lasting impact on industries and shape the future of commerce.

20 Career Ideas for The Entrepreneur

The Entertainer

Your vivacious, expressive, and outgoing nature sets you apart as a captivating performer and a true crowd-pleaser. Your ability to light up any room and bring joy to others with your lively presence makes you a natural entertainer, capable of enchanting audiences and leaving a lasting impression. You possess a unique talent for embracing the spotlight and infusing every moment with excitement and enthusiasm.

In a world where entertainment and celebration are cherished, your presence as The Entertainer becomes indispensable. Your magnetic charm and boundless energy draw people to you like a moth to a flame, making you the life of any gathering. Your genuine and warm-hearted approach to connecting with others allows you to create unforgettable experiences and moments of joy.

As The Entertainer, you're not confined by inhibitions or self-doubt. Your passion for performing and your love for the limelight propel you to explore various avenues of entertainment, from music and dance to acting and public speaking. Your ability to create immersive and memorable experiences makes you a sought-after entertainer in various spheres.

In a rapidly changing world, where the power of entertainment and emotional connections are paramount, your role as The Entertainer gains even greater significance. Your creative flair and ability to engage with audiences are in high demand across various jobs of the future. These careers will not only harness your natural strengths but also provide you with the platform to spread joy and touch lives through your artistry.

20 Career Ideas for The Entertainer

The Inspirer

Your empathetic, charismatic, and visionary nature sets you apart as a natural motivator and a catalyst for positive change. Your ability to connect deeply with others and uplift their spirits makes you a true influencer, capable of igniting passion and inspiring people to achieve their fullest potential. You possess a unique talent for understanding and empowering those around you, creating a ripple effect of inspiration wherever you go.

In a world where empathy and genuine connections are treasured, your presence as The Inspirer becomes invaluable. Your warm-hearted and encouraging approach makes you a natural leader, someone people look up to and trust. Your natural ability to understand the needs of others allows you to rally teams and communities towards a common vision.

As The Inspirer, you're not confined by self-interest or personal gain. Your heart beats for others, and your vision is to uplift the collective spirit. Your innate desire to make a positive impact drives you to inspire change, foster unity, and create a brighter future for everyone.

In a rapidly changing world, where compassionate leadership and collective action are vital, your role as The Inspirer gains even greater significance. Your ability to inspire others to embrace their strengths and work together for a common cause is sought after in various "jobs of the future." These careers will not only harness your natural strengths but also provide you with the platform to create a profound and lasting impact on people's lives.

20 Career Ideas for The Inspirer

The Supervisor

Your practical, responsible, and organized nature sets you apart as a natural leader and a pillar of reliability. Your ability to establish structure and maintain order makes you an effective supervisor, capable of guiding and supporting teams towards achieving their goals. You possess a unique talent for upholding traditions while embracing change when it serves a greater purpose.

In a world where strong leadership and dependable execution are valued, your presence as The Supervisor becomes indispensable. Your strong work ethic and attention to detail inspire respect and admiration from those you lead. Your no-nonsense approach to problem-solving and your commitment to following through on tasks ensure that projects are completed with efficiency and precision.

As The Supervisor, you're not confined by ambiguity or disorganization. Your disciplined and methodical mindset equips you to navigate complex challenges with clarity and purpose. Your ability to establish clear guidelines and expectations fosters an environment of accountability and success.

In a rapidly changing world, where strong leadership and effective management are crucial, your role as The Supervisor gains even greater significance. Your talent for optimizing processes and maximizing productivity is sought after in various jobs of the future. These careers will not only harness your natural strengths but also provide you with the platform to lead teams and organizations towards excellence and success.

20 Career Ideas for The Supervisor

The Caregiver

Your warm, empathetic, and compassionate nature sets you apart as a natural caretaker and a source of comfort for those around you. Your ability to connect deeply with others and provide unwavering support makes you a true caregiver, capable of tending to both physical and emotional needs. You possess a unique talent for creating harmonious environments and fostering a sense of belonging.

In a world where compassion and understanding are cherished, your presence as The Caregiver becomes invaluable. Your selflessness and dedication to the well-being of others make you a reliable friend and a pillar of strength. Your attentiveness to detail and your nurturing spirit ensure that people feel seen, heard, and cared for in your presence.

As The Caregiver, you're not confined by personal concerns; your heart is open to providing aid and support wherever it's needed. Your innate ability to read the emotions of others allows you to anticipate needs and provide comfort during challenging times.

In a rapidly changing world, where empathy and kindness are essential, your role as The Caregiver gains even greater significance. Your capacity to uplift and inspire through compassion and care is sought after in various jobs of the future. These careers will not only harness your natural strengths but also provide you with the platform to make a positive impact and bring comfort to those you serve.

20 Career Ideas for The Caregiver

The Executive

Your strategic, assertive, and goal-oriented nature sets you apart as a natural leader and a visionary planner. Your ability to analyze situations, devise effective strategies, and lead with confidence makes you a true executive, capable of driving teams and organizations towards success. You possess a unique talent for making tough decisions and inspiring others to achieve their full potential.

In a world where innovation and results-driven leadership are highly sought after, your presence as The Executive becomes invaluable. Your strong leadership skills and unwavering determination make you a respected authority and a catalyst for progress. Your ability to see the big picture and break down complex challenges into manageable steps sets you apart as a force to be reckoned with.

As The Executive, you're not confined by hesitation or indecision; your drive for achievement and your focus on efficiency propel you forward. Your charisma and commanding presence naturally draw people towards your vision and inspire them to perform at their best.

In a rapidly changing world, where strong leadership and strategic thinking are crucial, your role as The Executive gains even greater significance. Your capacity to lead and inspire is sought after in various jobs of the future. These careers will not only harness your natural strengths but also provide you with the platform to make a significant impact on industries and society as a whole.

20 Career Ideas for The Executive

The Visionary

Your innovative, curious, and unorthodox nature sets you apart as a trailblazer and a pioneer of new ideas. Your insatiable hunger for knowledge and your ability to connect seemingly unrelated concepts make you a true visionary, capable of envisioning possibilities that others may overlook. You possess a unique talent for challenging the status quo and transforming the world with your groundbreaking visions.

In a world driven by innovation and constant change, your presence as The Visionary becomes indispensable. Your ability to see beyond the horizon and your eagerness to explore uncharted territories make you an agent of progress and a catalyst for transformative advancements. Your dynamic and flexible thinking allows you to adapt quickly to emerging challenges and turn them into opportunities.

As The Visionary, you're not confined by conventional norms or limited by traditional boundaries. Your mind is an ever-evolving universe of ideas and possibilities, propelling you to create solutions that redefine the way we live, work, and interact.

In a rapidly changing world, where ingenuity and creativity are vital, your role as The Visionary gains even greater significance. Your ability to envision the future and pioneer novel concepts is in high demand across various jobs of the future. These careers will not only harness your natural strengths but also provide you with the platform to shape the destiny of industries and lead humanity towards a brighter future.

20 Career Ideas for The Visionary

The Mentor

Your empathetic, supportive, and encouraging nature sets you apart as a guiding light and a source of inspiration for those around you. Your ability to understand and uplift others makes you a true mentor, capable of helping individuals unlock their potential and achieve their goals. You possess a unique talent for fostering personal growth and nurturing meaningful connections.

In a world where guidance and mentorship are highly valued, your presence as The Mentor becomes immensely cherished. Your wisdom and insight make you a trusted confidant and an advocate for the dreams and aspirations of others. Your intuitive understanding of people allows you to connect deeply with them and offer meaningful advice.

As The Mentor, you're not confined by conventional limitations; your heart is open to supporting and empowering others on their life journeys. Your passion for making a difference and your dedication to helping people thrive create an atmosphere of trust and respect around you.

In a rapidly changing world, where personal growth and self-discovery are essential, your role as The Mentor gains even greater significance. Your capacity to inspire and empower is sought after in various jobs of the future. These careers will not only harness your natural strengths but also provide you with the platform to ignite a spark of transformation and illuminate the paths of those you guide.

20 Career Ideas for The Mentor

Your personality is just one small aspect of choosing a career path

While exploring your personality 'type' can offer valuable insights, knowing your strengths and values holds even greater significance in guiding your career decisions.

You are a multifaceted human being, and a quick quiz alone cannot capture all the essential aspects of your potential career fit (though, they are a bit of fun and a good entry into the work of career planning). 

That's precisely why we've designed a comprehensive three-month online program exclusively for high school students like you.

Our program delves deep into identifying your unique strengths, values, and passions, empowering you to make informed choices about your future career and grow into a career you truly love.

Read More About the Program

You are a student and you need to pick elective school subjects for next year or further study options for when you graduate, but you are unsure about what career you want to do, and regular career advice just doesn't seem to cut it.

 At Careers That Matter, we have taken the world’s best career guidance and turned it into a three month online program to help teenagers like you uncover their unique career potential, choose the right career plan for you, and grow into a career you truly love.


Careers That Matter acknowledges we work on the Traditional Lands of the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung and Bunurong peoples of the East Kulin Nations and pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging. We extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We acknowledge their living connection to the Country, their relationship with the land and all living things extending back tens of thousands of years.