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How to Survive Your First Career Decision: High School Subject Selection

In the bustling hallways of every high school, one question echoes: "What subjects should I choose?" This question isn't just about the next term or year, but has far-reaching implications that stretch beyond high school and into the future. For students, making these decisions can feel like standing at a crossroads, with each subject acting as a pathway leading to a different horizon of opportunities.

Choosing high school subjects is one of the first significant decisions a teenager makes, and it's far from trivial. This selection can influence future studies, shape career possibilities, and even impact long-term job satisfaction. In essence, these early choices are the first step in a teenager's unique journey of carving out their place in the professional world.

However, the task of subject selection often brings with it a sense of pressure and confusion. Many teenagers feel as if they are expected to map out their entire future at an age when they are only just starting to discover who they are, what they enjoy, and what they are good at. This pressure is often compounded by well-meaning advice from parents, teachers, and peers, making the process seem even more daunting.

Yet, making these decisions doesn't need to be a cause for stress or anxiety. With the right information and support, students can make informed choices about their high school subjects. By doing so, they can set a foundation that aligns with their interests, harnesses their talents, and leads them toward their desired career path.

This is where our deep dive into the importance of high school subject selection begins. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the impact of subject choices on future careers, understand the dynamic job market, examine the skill sets necessary for the future, and learn how to make informed decisions about subject selection.

Furthermore, we will look into the role of parents and counsellors in this process, and acknowledge the limitations of subject selection, reinforcing that these early choices, while significant, do not 'lock in' a student's future. We will discuss real-life case studies and offer practical advice to guide students (and their parents) through this process.

Our goal is to provide a valuable resource that demystifies the subject selection process, making it less about choosing a destiny and more about paving a flexible path that can adapt to a student's evolving interests and the changing landscape of the job market.

By the end of this guide, we hope to empower students to approach subject selection with a balanced perspective, equipped with the tools to make confident decisions that align with their aspirations and potential.

So, let's embark on this journey together, starting with an exploration of how high school subjects can shape future career paths.

The Role of High School Subjects in Shaping Career Paths

High school is a time of self-discovery. It's a platform where students learn not only about the world around them but also about their interests and talents. The subjects chosen in these crucial years play a significant role in this exploration process and can significantly influence future career paths.

Subjects provide the framework for the development of a student's skill set. When students select a particular course, they engage with a range of topics and methods that develop both subject-specific and transferable skills. These skills, from critical thinking to project management, can be the foundation for future careers.

For instance, a student who excels in Mathematics and Physics may be well-suited to careers in Engineering, Architecture, or Data Science. Meanwhile, a student who thrives in English and History could be setting the groundwork for future roles in Law, Journalism, or Education.

Beyond these direct correlations, the skills students gain from these subjects - analytical thinking from Mathematics, persuasive communication from English, or understanding human behavior from History - are highly transferable and valued in various professions.

Moreover, the subjects that students study in high school can also shape their tertiary education choices. Many university courses require students to have studied certain subjects at high school. For example, prospective Medical students will usually need a strong foundation in the Sciences, while Architecture programs may look for students who have studied Design or Art.

But it's important to remember that the connection between high school subjects and careers is not always linear. Some students may discover their passion later in life or may choose to follow a non-traditional educational or career path. That's why it's crucial to balance subject selection with both immediate interest and long-term goals.

However, one question remains: how does one know which subjects align with the jobs of the future? For that, it is essential to understand the modern job market and its trends, which we will discuss in the next section. High school students, armed with this knowledge, can make informed decisions, choosing subjects that cater to their strengths, pique their curiosity, and open doors to promising future career paths.

Understanding the Modern Job Market: Trends and Future Careers

Our world is constantly evolving, with advancements in technology, climate change, globalization, and social trends driving shifts in the job market. As a result, new career paths are emerging, while others are becoming obsolete. Understanding these trends can help students make informed choices about their high school subjects and position themselves for successful future careers.

Growth of Technology and STEM Careers

The rise of technology has led to a surge in demand for professionals in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. Careers in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Biotechnology, and Software Engineering are growing rapidly.

High school subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Computer Science can provide a strong foundation for these careers. Moreover, learning to code or working on digital projects can also be beneficial, developing problem-solving, logical thinking, and creativity skills.

Climate Change and Sustainability

Climate change and the need for sustainability have given birth to an entire industry centered on solving these pressing global issues. Careers in Environmental Science, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Architecture, and Conservation Biology are becoming increasingly relevant.

Studying subjects like Environmental Science, Biology, Geography, and Design can provide insights into these fields and build the necessary skills to pursue such careers.

Healthcare and Well-being

The importance of healthcare has been highlighted in recent times, leading to a heightened demand for professionals in this sector. Additionally, the focus on mental health and well-being has grown, leading to a rise in careers in Psychology, Counselling, and Wellness.

Subjects like Biology, Psychology, Physical Education, and Social Studies can pave the way for a career in this sector.

The Creative Economy

Despite the emphasis on STEM, the creative economy is thriving. There's a growing demand for creative roles in areas such as Digital Media, Gaming, Design, and Marketing.

Subjects like Art, Design, Media Studies, and Business can help students explore these creative pathways.

While these trends provide a glimpse into the future job market, it's also important to remember that the job market continues to evolve, and flexibility is key. Many jobs of the future don't exist yet. Therefore, developing a broad skill set, including problem-solving, creativity, emotional intelligence, and adaptability, will be essential. These skills can be honed through a variety of high school subjects.

Aligning Interests, Strengths, and Values with High School Subject Selection

With the evolving job market and the importance of subject selection in high school now clear, it's crucial to discuss how students can align their interests, strengths, and values with their high school subject choices. This alignment can not only enhance their high school experience but also lay a strong foundation for their future careers.

Understanding Interests

Interests are activities that students find exciting and enjoyable. They are often a good indicator of what careers a student may find satisfying. For example, a student interested in technology might enjoy a career as a software engineer or a data scientist. High school subjects related to their interests can give students a taste of what a career in that field might look like. This can range from taking Computer Science for a tech-loving student, Drama for someone interested in performing arts, or Business Studies for those with an entrepreneurial spirit.

Recognizing Strengths

Strengths are things that students are good at. They include natural talents and skills developed over time. Understanding one's strengths can help students choose subjects in which they are likely to succeed and enjoy. For example, a student who is good at problem-solving might excel in Mathematics or Physics, while a student who is a strong communicator might thrive in English or Modern Languages.

Identifying Values

Values are principles or standards that are important to a student. They can include things like helping others, being creative, or achieving financial success. Understanding their values can help students choose careers that they find meaningful and satisfying. For instance, someone who values helping others might find a career in healthcare or social work rewarding. Relevant high school subjects could include Health Sciences, Psychology, or Social Studies.

Identifying interests, strengths, and values can be a complex process. It often involves self-reflection, taking personality tests, seeking feedback from others, and exploring different activities. It's also a process that can change over time as students grow and have new experiences.

Strategies for Effective Subject Selection: A Practical Guide

Armed with an understanding of the job market and self-awareness about their interests, strengths, and values, students are well-positioned to make informed decisions about their subject selection. However, the process can still seem overwhelming. In this section, we delve into practical strategies that can simplify the subject selection process.

Exploring a Wide Range of Subjects

In the early years of high school, it can be beneficial for students to explore a broad range of subjects. This can help them uncover new interests and talents, broaden their horizons, and keep their future career options open. As they progress through high school, they can then start to specialize in areas that they are particularly interested in and good at.

Balancing Passion and Pragmatism

While it's important for students to choose subjects they are passionate about, they should also consider the pragmatic aspects of their choices. This includes the career opportunities related to their subjects, the requirements for any post-secondary courses they're interested in, and the balance of their overall subject load.

Using Career Exploration Resources

There are numerous resources available to help students understand the link between high school subjects and future careers. This includes career counselling services, online career exploration tools, work experience opportunities, and career-related events at school. Using these resources can provide valuable insights to guide students' subject selection.

Seeking Advice and Guidance

Students don't have to navigate the subject selection process alone. They can seek advice and guidance from a range of sources. This can include talking to teachers about the content and demands of their subjects, seeking advice from career counsellors, and speaking with older students, family members, or professionals in fields they're interested in.

Checking Prerequisites for Post-High School Education

It's important for students to consider what they might want to do after high school, whether that's entering the workforce directly, pursuing vocational training, or attending university. If students have an idea about the field they want to go into, they should check the prerequisites for related post-high school courses. For example, certain university courses may require students to have studied specific subjects in high school. Knowing these requirements can help guide students in their subject selection.

Armed with these strategies, students can navigate the subject selection process more confidently and effectively, making choices that align with their individuality, academic goals, and future career aspirations. In the next section, we'll explore how this proactive and informed approach to subject selection can lead to a fulfilling and successful career journey.

The Long-Term Impact: How High School Subject Selection Influences Future Careers

Understanding the impact of subject selection on future careers isn't about predicting the exact job a student will end up in, but about preparing them for a rapidly evolving job market. In this section, we shed light on how high school subject selection influences a student's career pathway and the importance of adaptability in career planning. 

Gaining Essential Skills and Knowledge

Certain high school subjects equip students with foundational knowledge and skills that are highly valued in the workplace. For instance, English and mathematics teach critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects provide technical skills that are in high demand in many industries. Humanities and social sciences encourage empathy, cultural understanding, and global awareness.

Opening Doors to Various Career Pathways

The subjects students select in high school can open doors to various career pathways. For instance, studying biology and chemistry might lead to a career in healthcare, environmental science, or biotechnology. On the other hand, studying business studies or economics might pave the way for a career in finance, marketing, or entrepreneurship.

Shaping Post-High School Education Opportunities

As discussed in the previous section, high school subject selection can directly impact a student's options for post-high school education. Certain university courses and vocational training programs have specific high school subject prerequisites. By considering these requirements in their subject selection, students can ensure they keep their desired post-high school education pathways open.

Fostering a Lifelong Love for Learning

High school is not just about preparing for a future career, but also about fostering a love for learning. When students select subjects they are passionate about, they are more likely to engage in the material, perform well, and develop a lifelong love for learning, which is a valuable asset in today's rapidly changing job market.

The Importance of Adaptability in Career Planning

While it's important to consider the impact of subject selection on future careers, it's equally important to remember the value of adaptability. The job market is continually evolving, and new careers are emerging all the time. As a result, the most successful individuals are often those who can adapt, learn new skills, and pivot their career as needed.

Examples: Exploring the Relationship Between Subject Selection and Career Pathways

  1. Alex, The STEM Enthusiast Turned Robotics Engineer: Alex's love for mathematics and physics in high school led him to pursue an engineering degree specialising in robotics. Today, he's working on cutting-edge robotic technologies, a career path forged from his high school subject choices.

  2. Bella, The Humanities Lover Who Became a Human Rights Lawyer: Bella always found herself drawn to humanities and legal studies in high school, sparking a passion for justice and human rights. Today, she's a successful human rights lawyer, utilising the critical thinking skills she honed during high school.

  3. Chris, The Art Aficionado Turned Creative Director: Chris's passion for visual arts and design technology led him to study graphic design at a vocational training institute. Now, he is a creative director at a prominent advertising agency, fusing his artistic talent with the technical skills he began developing in high school.

  4. Dana, The Commerce Whiz Who Became a Tech Entrepreneur: Dana's inclination towards commerce-related subjects and her love for technology in high school led her to study business information systems at university. Today, she runs her own successful tech startup, attributing her entrepreneurial mindset to her high school studies.

  5. Ethan, The Multifaceted Student Who Found His Way in Environmental Science: Ethan chose a broad range of subjects in high school, from humanities to sciences, without a clear career pathway in mind. However, when he took an introductory course in environmental science at university, he discovered his true passion. Today, he works as a conservation scientist, contributing to environmental preservation.

  6. Fiona, The Language Lover Turned Interpreter: Fiona’s love for learning different languages in high school led her to pursue a degree in linguistics. She now works as a professional interpreter, leveraging the language skills she started developing in high school.

  7. George, The Physical Education Enthusiast Turned Sports Psychologist: George’s passion for sports and psychology in high school inspired him to study sports psychology in university. Today, he works with athletes, helping them optimize their performance through mental conditioning.

  8. Hannah, The Agriculture Student Turned Sustainable Farmer: Hannah’s interest in agriculture and biology during high school led her to study sustainable farming practices in college. Now, she runs her own organic farm, using the knowledge she first gained in high school.

  9. Ivan, The Drama Student Turned Filmmaker: Ivan’s passion for drama and storytelling in high school spurred him to study film and cinema in college. Today, he is a renowned filmmaker, creating stories that resonate with audiences worldwide.

  10. Jasmine, The Technology Buff Turned App Developer: Jasmine’s fascination with computer studies and mathematics in high school led her to pursue a degree in computer science. She now develops innovative apps for a leading tech company, applying the coding and problem-solving skills she acquired in high school.

  11. Kevin, The Music Devotee Turned Audio Engineer: Kevin’s love for music and physics in high school inspired him to study audio engineering in college. Now, he works behind the scenes in the music industry, creating the perfect sound for various productions.

  12. Laura, The Sociology Student Turned Social Worker: Laura’s interest in sociology and psychology during high school motivated her to pursue a degree in social work. She now works with marginalized communities, providing assistance and advocating for social justice.

  13. Mark, The Chemistry Whiz Turned Pharmacist: Mark’s affinity for chemistry and biology in high school led him to study pharmacy at university. Today, he works as a pharmacist, using his extensive knowledge of drugs to improve patient health.

  14. Nina, The History Buff Turned Museum Curator: Nina’s fascination with history and culture during high school led her to pursue a degree in museum studies. Now, she is a curator at a history museum, sharing her love for the past with visitors.

  15. Oscar, The Math Prodigy Turned Cryptographer: Oscar’s talent for math and computer studies in high school inspired him to study cryptography at university. Today, he works for a cybersecurity firm, safeguarding sensitive information from hackers.

  16. Pamela, The Health Student Turned Nutritionist: Pamela’s interest in health and biology during high school led her to study nutrition in college. She now works as a nutritionist, helping individuals create healthy eating habits.

  17. Quentin, The Media Studies Student Turned Journalist: Quentin’s passion for media studies and English during high school led him to study journalism in college. Today, he works as a journalist for a prominent news organization, reporting on important issues.

  18. Rachel, The Geography Lover Turned Urban Planner: Rachel’s love for geography and social studies in high school inspired her to study urban planning in university. Now, she contributes to the development of sustainable cities.

  19. Steve, The Home Economics Student Turned Celebrity Chef: Steve’s passion for home economics and hospitality in high school led him to culinary school. Today, he is a celebrity chef with his own cooking show.

  20. Tina, The Design Technology Enthusiast Turned Architect: Tina’s interest in design technology and visual arts in high school motivated her to study architecture at university. Now, she designs beautiful, functional buildings that enhance their surroundings.

  1. Uma, The Philosophy Enthusiast Turned Ethics Consultant: Uma's engagement with philosophy and social studies in high school led her to pursue a degree in philosophy at university. Today, she works as an ethics consultant, providing guidance to corporations on moral decision-making.

  2. Victor, The Physics Whiz Turned Aerospace Engineer: Victor's love for physics and mathematics in high school inspired him to study aerospace engineering. Now, he designs spacecraft, a career dream ignited by his high school subject choices.

  3. Wendy, The Biology Fanatic Turned Genetic Counsellor: Wendy's interest in biology and health sciences led her to pursue a degree in genetic counselling. Today, she helps people understand and adapt to the medical, psychological and familial implications of genetic contributions to disease.

  4. Xavier, The Computer Science Enthusiast Turned Cybersecurity Analyst: Xavier's passion for computer science and math in high school led him to pursue a degree in cybersecurity. Today, he protects organizations' data from cyber threats.

  5. Yasmine, The Earth Science Student Turned Seismologist: Yasmine's fascination with earth science and physics in high school motivated her to study geophysics in university. Today, she studies earthquakes and seismic waves to understand the Earth's interior.

  6. Zach, The Literature Lover Turned Copywriter: Zach's love for English literature and creative writing in high school led him to a career as a copywriter. Today, he crafts compelling advertising content for a top agency.

  7. Alicia, The Marine Biology Enthusiast Turned Conservationist: Alicia's interest in marine biology and environmental studies in high school inspired her to study marine conservation. Today, she advocates for the preservation of marine ecosystems and species.

  8. Bennett, The Woodwork Student Turned Furniture Designer: Bennett's passion for woodwork and design technology in high school led him to study furniture design. Today, he creates beautiful and functional pieces for various clientele.

  9. Carla, The Political Science Student Turned Diplomat: Carla's interest in political science and history in high school motivated her to study international relations. Today, she works as a diplomat, navigating complex political landscapes.

  10. Daniel, The Textile Student Turned Fashion Designer: Daniel's passion for textiles and visual arts in high school led him to study fashion design. Today, he runs his own fashion label, influencing trends and styles worldwide.

  11. Eve, The Mathematics Enthusiast Turned Data Scientist: Eve's love for mathematics and computer science in high school propelled her towards a degree in data science. Today, she transforms complex datasets into actionable insights for a tech company.

  12. Frank, The Sports Fanatic Turned Physiotherapist: Frank's passion for physical education and biology in high school led him to study physiotherapy. Now, he helps athletes recover from injuries and enhance their performance.

  13. Gina, The Psychology Student Turned User Experience (UX) Researcher: Gina's interest in psychology and design technology led her to study UX design. Today, she conducts research to understand user behavior, preferences, and motivations to improve product design.

  14. Hugo, The Environmental Studies Enthusiast Turned Sustainability Officer: Hugo's passion for environmental studies and business studies in high school led him to a career in corporate sustainability. Today, he works with businesses to reduce their environmental impact.

  15. Isabel, The Child Studies Student Turned Child Psychologist: Isabel's interest in child studies and psychology in high school led her to study child psychology. Today, she supports children and families in navigating mental health challenges.

  16. Jake, The Business Studies Student Turned Management Consultant: Jake's love for business studies and economics in high school motivated him to pursue a degree in business administration. Today, he provides strategic advice to top companies as a management consultant.

  17. Kara, The Anthropology Enthusiast Turned Cultural Consultant: Kara's passion for social studies and history in high school led her to study anthropology. Now, she works as a cultural consultant, helping organizations understand and navigate different cultural contexts.

  18. Liam, The Astronomy Lover Turned Astrophysicist: Liam's fascination with astronomy and physics in high school led him to study astrophysics. Today, he researches the mysteries of the universe.

  19. Monica, The Health Science Student Turned Public Health Officer: Monica's interest in health science and sociology in high school led her to study public health. Today, she works on health policies and programs that improve community health.

  20. Nathan, The Foreign Language Student Turned Diplomatic Service Officer: Nathan's love for foreign languages and political science in high school led him to a career in diplomatic service. Today, he represents his country's interests abroad.


The Role of Flexibility and Adaptability in Career Planning

In our fast-paced and evolving world, the careers that are popular today might not exist in the same form in a decade. Navigating this uncertain landscape requires flexibility, adaptability, and strategic planning. In this section, we'll delve into key strategies students can employ to stay ahead in an ever-changing job market.

Embrace Lifelong Learning

The first strategy students need to embrace is the concept of lifelong learning. The idea that education stops once you graduate is no longer applicable in the 21st century. With rapid advancements in technology and constant changes in industry demands, continuous learning and upskilling are critical to staying relevant in the job market.

Broaden Your Career Horizons

A flexible approach to career planning also encourages students to consider a range of careers rather than fixating on a single path. This can help students remain open to unexpected opportunities and be prepared to pivot if their initial plan doesn't work out or no longer suits their interests or lifestyle.

Recognize the Transferable Skills from Your Subjects

Furthermore, the subjects chosen in high school can open doors to various fields, but they can also keep them open. For instance, studying science doesn't strictly mean a career in a laboratory. Skills learned in science subjects, such as analytical thinking and problem-solving, are highly transferable and sought after in a range of careers.

Prepare for Future Careers That Don't Exist Yet

It's also important to consider that some future careers might not exist yet. Students preparing for the world of work need to develop skills that will be beneficial across industries, such as creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. These skills, often referred to as '21st-century skills', are highly valued by employers and are less likely to be automated.

Stay Positive About Change

While preparing for the future may seem daunting, it's important to remember that change is not necessarily negative. In fact, many changes bring about new opportunities. By cultivating a mindset that is open to learning and adaptable to change, students can ensure they are well-prepared for whatever their professional future holds.

In the next section, we'll explore the importance of seeking guidance when choosing high school subjects and planning for future careers.

The Importance of Guidance and Mentorship in Making Informed Decisions

In the complex process of career planning, guidance plays a significant role. It can come in various forms, such as career counselling, mentorship, or even advice from family and friends who have experience in the student's areas of interest.

Career Counselling

Career counselling provides a structured approach to career planning. Through a process of self-assessment, exploration, and decision-making, career counsellors help students identify their interests, skills, values, and personality traits. They can then match these traits with potential careers and advise on suitable high school subjects to support these career paths. Our online career counselling program specifically for teenagers is a comprehensive and accessible option that offers ongoing support for a decade.


Having a mentor in the field of interest can offer invaluable insights and real-world perspectives that one cannot gain from textbooks alone. Mentors can share their experiences, advice, and lessons learned, helping students to avoid potential pitfalls and make informed decisions. Students should consider reaching out to professionals in their fields of interest for informal mentorship opportunities.

Advice from Experienced Individuals

Family, friends, and acquaintances who have experience in specific fields can provide practical advice and insights. These conversations can offer a glimpse into the day-to-day realities of a career and help students make informed decisions.

Career Workshops and Seminars

Attending career workshops and seminars can also provide students with additional information and expose them to a variety of career options. These events often include guest speakers from different industries, providing a great opportunity to learn more about potential careers and network with professionals.

In the final section of this article, we will be summarizing the key takeaways and providing some actionable steps for students who are in the process of selecting their high school subjects and planning their future careers.

Navigating Your Path

Choosing your high school subjects is a significant step towards shaping your future career. It's a decision that should be carefully considered, aligning with both your interests and potential future career paths.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the Impact: Recognize the potential influence your subject selection can have on your future career opportunities and the importance of informed decision-making.

  • Identify Interests and Strengths: Spend time understanding your strengths and areas of interest. These will act as guiding posts when selecting your high school subjects and planning your career.

  • Be Strategic: Make your subject selections strategically, considering both your post-high school education and long-term career plans. Remember, some university courses and jobs have prerequisites that you need to meet.

  • Plan for Adaptability: Future careers require a degree of flexibility and adaptability. Lifelong learning, open-mindedness about career paths, recognizing the transferability of skills, preparing for future careers, and staying positive about change are all crucial.

  • Seek Guidance: Leverage the guidance offered by career counsellors, mentors, experienced individuals, and workshops to make well-informed decisions.

Next Steps

  1. Assess Your Interests and Strengths: Start by understanding yourself better. You can do this through self-reflection or by taking our free career quiz designed specifically for high school students.

  2. Research and Explore: Research potential careers that align with your interests and strengths. Understand the required skills, education, and experience for these roles.

  3. Consult: Discuss your findings with career counsellors, mentors, and family members. Their guidance and insights will be invaluable in your decision-making process.

  4. Decide: After you've gathered all the necessary information, make your decisions. Select the subjects that align best with your future plans.

  5. Remember: This is not a one-and-done process. Regularly review and adjust your career plan as necessary, keeping in mind that change and adaptability are part of the journey.

By taking these steps and utilizing the strategies discussed throughout this article, you'll be well on your way to making an informed decision about your high school subject selection and paving a clear path for your future career. Remember, your career is a journey, and you have the power to shape its direction.

You Don't Have to Do This Alone: Join Careers That Matter

Choosing a career path at a young age can feel overwhelming. But remember, you don't have to do it alone. At Careers That Matter, we're committed to helping you navigate this critical stage in your life and beyond.

Comprehensive Online Program Specifically for Teenagers

Our comprehensive three-month online program is designed specifically for teenagers. Over this period, we develop a unique career plan based on each teenager's personality, talents, and values. But our support doesn't end there. We continue to guide and assist you for a decade, helping you adapt your plan as you and the world evolve.

Evidence-Based Career Guidance

Our approach is rooted in evidence. We've interviewed over 200 top leaders with meaningful careers and reinforced their insights with academic research and thought leadership. This wealth of knowledge has been distilled into an accessible program for teenagers, so you get advice that's practical, proven, and effective.

Focus on Meaningful Careers of the Future

We specialize in careers that contribute meaningfully to society and will remain relevant well into the future. By aligning your unique strengths, values, and passions with these emerging opportunities, we can guide you towards a fulfilling career that you'll love.

Take the First Step

Your journey starts with understanding yourself better. To help with that, we offer a free career quiz for high school students. It's a simple yet insightful tool that can start you on the path to finding a career that genuinely suits you.

As you work through the process of choosing your high school subjects and thinking about your future career, remember: this is your journey, but we're here to guide and support you every step of the way. Sign up for our online program today, and start shaping a future that's uniquely yours.

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Careers That Matter provides online programs to teenagers across the globe. The organisation is based in Melbourne Australia. We have students from across Australia including Sydney, NSW 2000, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Brisbane, QLD 4000, Perth, WA 6000, Adelaide, SA 5000, Hobart, TAS 7000, Canberra, ACT 2600, Darwin, NT 0800. We also take students from The United Kingdom including London, Europe, and the United States including New York , Canada, New Zealand including Auckkland and Wellington, and Asia including Singapore and Malaysia.