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AI Risk Jobs List: 100 Job Ideas for Students


 High school can be a whirlwind of emotions and uncertainties, especially when faced with the looming question, "What am I going to do after this?" If you're passionate about the future and ensuring that the rapid technological advances, particularly in Artificial Intelligence (AI), remain beneficial for humanity, you're in luck! The world is in dire need of individuals dedicated to safeguarding our shared future against potential AI risks. Today, we present a list of 100 jobs that are centered on reducing the risks AI poses to humanity.

AI is powerful, transformative, and undeniably intriguing. But as with any powerful tool, there's potential for misuse. As many AI experts have expressed, there's a non-negligible chance AI might lead to outcomes that could be detrimental to our existence. Recognizing these concerns is the first step; the next is to do something about it.

But how can you fit into this picture? How can you leverage your unique skills, interests, and passions to contribute to this grand endeavor?

Finding Your Place in AI Safety and Ethics

Each individual has a unique set of aptitudes – inherent or cultivated abilities that make them excel in particular areas. Some might be fantastic at logical reasoning and mathematics, while others might have an eye for art, a passion for healthcare, or a knack for diplomacy. The key is to identify and hone these aptitudes and find the corresponding career within the AI safety and ethics realm that resonates with you.

Mapping Your Journey with Resources

To guide you on this journey:

  1. Teen Career Planning Program – A comprehensive online program that helps teenagers craft a career they are passionate about. Over the span of three months, this program delves deep into your personality, talents, and values to carve out a unique career plan. The best part? They support you for an entire decade as you and the world evolve. Discover more at

  2. Career Ideas Galore – Dive into a vast pool of potential job ideas categorized by industry, personality, and your favorite high school subject. Find it here at

  3. Free Career Quiz – Not sure where to start? Take this 5-minute quiz tailored for high school students to get a list of career ideas suited to your personality type. Check it out at

Your Next Steps

By immersing yourself in AI safety and ethics, you're not just selecting a career. You're joining a league of visionaries dedicated to crafting a safe technological future for everyone. These 100 jobs we've outlined aren't just roles; they're missions. They're calls to action, beckoning the brightest minds of the next generation to rise to the challenge.

Your high school years are just the beginning. Harness your passion for ensuring AI remains a tool for progress, not peril. 

AI Risk Jobs List

Research & Academia

AI Alignment Researcher

Purpose: To understand and design AI systems that have goals and values aligned with human intentions. Impact: Reduces risks of unintended or malicious AI behaviors. Aptitude: Research rigor, technical proficiency, forward-thinking. Transferable Skills: Machine learning, mathematical modeling, hypothesis testing. Technical Skills: AI alignment theories, value learning, cooperative inverse reinforcement learning. Employers: Research institutions, tech companies, universities. Qualifications: PhD in AI, Computer Science, or related field; publications on AI alignment.

AI Ethics Researcher

Purpose: To study the ethical implications and challenges posed by AI. Impact: Ensures moral considerations are factored into AI design and deployment. Aptitude: Analytical thinking, ethical reasoning, interdisciplinary collaboration. Transferable Skills: Ethical analysis, qualitative research, stakeholder engagement. Technical Skills: Ethical frameworks, AI systems, bias detection. Employers: Universities, think tanks, tech companies. Qualifications: Degree in AI Ethics, Philosophy, or related field; research on AI and ethics.

Decision Theory Researcher

Purpose: To study and develop models for making decisions in complex and uncertain environments. Impact: Enhances AI's ability to make optimal and safe decisions. Aptitude: Logical reasoning, mathematical modeling, strategic thinking. Transferable Skills: Game theory, statistical analysis, probability modeling. Technical Skills: Decision-making algorithms, utility functions, Bayesian inference. Employers: Research institutions, consultancies, tech firms. Qualifications: Degree in Mathematics, Economics, or related field; research in decision theory.

AI Value Specification Expert

Purpose: To ensure AI systems accurately understand and execute human values and goals. Impact: Reduces misinterpretations and unintended outcomes by AI. Aptitude: Precision, analytical thinking, collaboration. Transferable Skills: Value assessment, goal orientation, system design. Technical Skills: Value learning algorithms, feedback loops, reward modeling. Employers: Tech companies, research institutions. Qualifications: Degree in AI, Psychology, or related field; experience in value specification.

Reinforcement Learning Safety Expert

Purpose: To ensure reinforcement learning algorithms are safe and robust. Impact: Prevents RL algorithms from learning harmful behaviors. Aptitude: Technical acumen, problem-solving, research orientation. Transferable Skills: Algorithm design, risk assessment, system validation. Technical Skills: Reinforcement learning algorithms, off-policy evaluation, exploration-exploitation trade-offs. Employers: Tech companies, research labs. Qualifications: Degree in AI, Computer Science, or related field; research in RL safety.

AI Transparency and Interpretability Researcher

Purpose: To develop methods to make AI decisions understandable and explainable. Impact: Enhances trust and accountability in AI systems. Aptitude: Analytical skills, curiosity, communication. Transferable Skills: Data visualization, algorithm analysis, stakeholder engagement. Technical Skills: Interpretability techniques, feature attribution, model simplification. Employers: Research institutions, tech companies. Qualifications: Degree in AI, Data Science, or related field; research in AI interpretability.

AI Robustness and Reliability Researcher

Purpose: To ensure AI systems are robust against adversarial attacks and operate reliably. Impact: Enhances AI's resilience against perturbations and uncertainties. Aptitude: Rigorous testing, problem-solving, attention to detail. Transferable Skills: System validation, adversarial testing, redundancy planning. Technical Skills: Adversarial machine learning, robust optimization, system verification. Employers: Tech companies, defense agencies, research labs. Qualifications: Degree in AI, Cybersecurity, or related field; research in AI robustness.

Engineering & Development

Safe AGI Developer

Purpose: To design and develop artificial general intelligence with built-in safety mechanisms. Impact: Creates AGI systems that are beneficial and non-harmful to humanity. Aptitude: Technical proficiency, foresight, responsibility. Transferable Skills: AI architecture design, system testing, collaboration. Technical Skills: AGI theories, safety protocols, neural architecture search. Employers: AGI research labs, tech firms, universities. Qualifications: Degree in AI, Computer Science, or related field; experience in AGI development.

AI Fail-safe Engineer

Purpose: To design backup and shutdown mechanisms for AI systems in case of malfunctions. Impact: Prevents AI systems from causing harm during unexpected behaviors. Aptitude: Risk assessment, system design, reliability engineering. Transferable Skills: Redundancy planning, system validation, failure analysis. Technical Skills: Fail-safe mechanisms, system monitoring, recovery procedures. Employers: Tech companies, industrial automation firms, safety agencies. Qualifications: Degree in AI, Systems Engineering, or related field; experience in safety engineering.

AI Verification Engineer

Purpose: To ensure AI systems behave as intended and meet specified requirements. Impact: Validates the correctness and reliability of AI solutions. Aptitude: Attention to detail, problem-solving, technical rigor. Transferable Skills: Software testing, requirement analysis, documentation. Technical Skills: Formal verification, model checking, test case design. Employers: Tech companies, QA consultancies, research institutions. Qualifications: Degree in Software Engineering, AI, or related field; experience in system verification.

AI Safety Testing Specialist

Purpose: To rigorously test AI systems for safety before deployment. Impact: Identifies and rectifies potential risks in AI behaviors. Aptitude: Analytical mindset, meticulousness, problem-solving. Transferable Skills: Software testing, risk assessment, report writing. Technical Skills: AI safety benchmarks, adversarial testing, test case design. Employers: Tech companies, AI startups, quality assurance firms. Qualifications: Degree in AI, Computer Science, or related field; experience in safety testing.

Machine Learning Transparency Engineer

Purpose: To develop transparent machine learning models that can be understood and scrutinized. Impact: Enhances trust and accountability in AI models. Aptitude: Technical proficiency, curiosity, collaboration. Transferable Skills: Model interpretation, software development, stakeholder communication. Technical Skills: Model visualization, feature attribution, explainable AI techniques. Employers: Tech companies, research institutions, AI consultancies. Qualifications: Degree in AI, Data Science, or related field; experience in model transparency.

AGI Policy Developer

Purpose: To formulate policies guiding the development and deployment of artificial general intelligence. Impact: Ensures AGI evolution adheres to ethical, societal, and safety norms. Aptitude: Strategic thinking, ethical considerations, foresight. Transferable Skills: Policy drafting, stakeholder engagement, risk assessment. Technical Skills: Understanding of AGI, policy implementation, feedback loops. Employers: Government bodies, international agencies, tech firms. Qualifications: Degree in Public Policy, AI, or related field; experience in policy development.

Policy, Governance, and Regulation

AI Policy Advisor

Purpose: To provide guidance on AI policy formulation and implementation. Impact: Informs policymakers on best practices and considerations regarding AI. Aptitude: Strategic thinking, communication, interdisciplinary knowledge. Transferable Skills: Policy analysis, stakeholder consultation, research. Technical Skills: Understanding of AI technologies, policy frameworks, risk analysis. Employers: Governments, think tanks, international organizations. Qualifications: Degree in Public Policy, AI Ethics, or related field; experience in advisory roles.

International AI Cooperation Specialist

Purpose: To foster collaboration between nations on AI safety, ethics, and policy. Impact: Encourages global harmonization of AI practices to ensure collective safety. Aptitude: Diplomacy, cultural awareness, strategic thinking. Transferable Skills: International relations, negotiation, project management. Technical Skills: Understanding of international AI landscapes, treaty drafting, cooperation mechanisms. Employers: International organizations, governments, NGOs. Qualifications: Degree in International Relations, Public Policy, or related field; experience in international cooperation.

AI Regulation Expert

Purpose: To guide the development of legal frameworks around AI systems. Impact: Ensures a balanced and safe evolution of AI technologies within societal structures. Aptitude: Understanding of law, technology, and societal concerns. Transferable Skills: Legal research, stakeholder engagement, public speaking. Technical Skills: Knowledge of AI technologies, regulatory frameworks. Employers: Governments, international organizations, law firms. Qualifications: Law degree, specialization in tech law; experience with AI regulations.

AI Governance Consultant

Purpose: To assist organizations in establishing AI governance structures. Impact: Ensures responsible and ethical AI deployment within organizations. Aptitude: Organizational knowledge, ethical considerations, strategic vision. Transferable Skills: Corporate governance, project management, consultancy. Technical Skills: Understanding of AI landscapes, organizational structures. Employers: Tech companies, consultancies, large corporations. Qualifications: Degree in Business Administration or related field; experience in governance roles.

AI Risk Analyst

Purpose: To evaluate and identify potential risks associated with AI systems. Impact: Provides a foundation for risk mitigation strategies. Aptitude: Analytical thinking, foresight, detail orientation. Transferable Skills: Risk analysis, statistical modeling, report writing. Technical Skills: Risk assessment tools, knowledge of AI models. Employers: Tech companies, financial institutions, consultancies. Qualifications: Degree in Risk Management or related field; experience in tech risk assessment.

AI Auditor

Purpose: To examine and ensure AI systems comply with established safety and ethical standards. Impact: Enhances trust and accountability in AI applications. Aptitude: Detail-oriented, ethical, analytical. Transferable Skills: Auditing, stakeholder communication, process evaluation. Technical Skills: Understanding of AI systems, auditing tools, compliance standards. Employers: Tech companies, audit firms, regulatory bodies. Qualifications: Degree in Auditing, Finance, or related field; AI auditing certifications.

AI Certification Professional

Purpose: To validate AI systems against industry or regulatory benchmarks. Impact: Ensures AI systems meet predefined safety and ethical criteria. Aptitude: Meticulous, objective, analytical. Transferable Skills: Quality assurance, benchmarking, report writing. Technical Skills: Certification standards, AI evaluation methodologies. Employers: Tech companies, certification bodies, research institutions. Qualifications: Degree in Quality Assurance or related; certifications in AI standards.

Ethics & Philosophy

Ethical Theorist for AI

Purpose: To explore and define the ethical implications of AI systems. Impact: Provides a moral compass for AI development and deployment. Aptitude: Philosophical reasoning, foresight, interdisciplinary knowledge. Transferable Skills: Research, public speaking, writing. Technical Skills: Ethics frameworks, understanding of AI. Employers: Universities, think tanks, tech companies. Qualifications: PhD or Masters in Philosophy, Ethics; focus on technology ethics.

Machine Morality Philosopher

Purpose: To analyze and theorize moral capacities and obligations of machines. Impact: Shapes understanding of machine ethics and their role in society. Aptitude: Deep thinking, interdisciplinary insight, visionary. Transferable Skills: Philosophical discourse, research, publication. Technical Skills: AI philosophy, ethical analysis. Employers: Universities, research institutions, tech companies. Qualifications: PhD or Masters in Philosophy with focus on AI and ethics.

Education & Advocacy

AI Safety Educator

Purpose: To teach principles of AI safety to students, professionals, and the general public. Impact: Ensures widespread knowledge and understanding of AI risks and safety protocols. Aptitude: Teaching, clear communication, passion for safety. Transferable Skills: Curriculum development, public speaking, research. Technical Skills: Knowledge of AI safety principles, teaching tools and platforms. Employers: Educational institutions, tech companies, training centers. Qualifications: Degree in Education or AI-related field; experience in teaching or training.

AI Risk Awareness Campaigner

Purpose: To raise public awareness about the potential risks and challenges posed by AI. Impact: Educates the public, leading to informed decisions and policies related to AI. Aptitude: Advocacy, communication, networking. Transferable Skills: Campaign management, public relations, event organization. Technical Skills: AI risk assessment, multimedia tools. Employers: NGOs, advocacy groups, tech companies. Qualifications: Degree in Communication, Public Relations, or related field; experience in advocacy.

AI Safety Workshop Organizer

Purpose: To plan and execute workshops focused on AI safety and ethics. Impact: Disseminates knowledge on AI safety among professionals and interested parties. Aptitude: Organizational skills, event planning, networking. Transferable Skills: Event management, marketing, stakeholder communication. Technical Skills: Workshop tools, AI safety knowledge. Employers: Tech companies, NGOs, training centers. Qualifications: Degree in Event Management or related field; experience in workshop organization.

AI Ethics Curriculum Designer

Purpose: To create educational programs focused on the ethical aspects of AI. Impact: Shapes the next generation of ethical AI developers and users. Aptitude: Curriculum development, ethical reasoning, AI knowledge. Transferable Skills: Course design, research, pedagogical methods. Technical Skills: AI ethics frameworks, teaching tools. Employers: Educational institutions, tech companies. Qualifications: Degree in Education or AI-related field; background in ethics.

Public Speaker on AI Risks

Purpose: To educate and inform audiences about the challenges and risks of AI. Impact: Raises general awareness and prompts critical thinking on AI developments. Aptitude: Public speaking, persuasion, knowledge of AI. Transferable Skills: Presentation design, audience engagement, research. Technical Skills: AI risk assessment, multimedia tools. Employers: Conferences, universities, corporate events. Qualifications: Experience in public speaking; deep knowledge of AI risks.

Industry & Enterprise

Corporate AI Ethicist

Purpose: To guide businesses in the ethical development and deployment of AI. Impact: Ensures corporate responsibility and trustworthiness in AI applications. Aptitude: Ethical reasoning, business acumen, strategic vision. Transferable Skills: Stakeholder engagement, corporate governance, consultancy. Technical Skills: AI ethics frameworks, business strategies. Employers: Large corporations, tech companies, consultancies. Qualifications: Degree in Business Ethics or related field; experience in corporate roles.

AI Safety Best Practices Advisor

Purpose: To guide businesses in implementing safety protocols and best practices in AI. Impact: Ensures the development of AI systems that prioritize human well-being and safety. Aptitude: Problem-solving, analytical thinking, foresight. Transferable Skills: Consultation, risk assessment, strategy development. Technical Skills: AI safety guidelines, business integration. Employers: Tech companies, large corporations, startups. Qualifications: Degree in Computer Science or AI; experience in AI safety roles.

AI Product Safety Reviewer

Purpose: To evaluate AI-driven products for potential risks and misalignments. Impact: Reduces the chance of releasing harmful AI products to the market. Aptitude: Critical thinking, attention to detail, objectivity. Transferable Skills: Product evaluation, risk assessment, report writing. Technical Skills: AI analysis, product testing tools. Employers: Tech companies, review agencies, consultancies. Qualifications: Degree related to AI; background in product safety.

AI Strategy Consultant for Safety

Purpose: To advise companies on integrating safety-conscious strategies in AI development. Impact: Drives business strategies that are both innovative and safety-first. Aptitude: Analytical thinking, effective communication, business acumen. Transferable Skills: Consultation, strategic planning, risk mitigation. Technical Skills: AI safety frameworks, business integration tools. Employers: Consultancies, large corporations, tech companies. Qualifications: Degree in Business or AI; experience in strategy consultation.

Risk Mitigation Expert for AI Startups

Purpose: To help startups identify and minimize AI-related risks. Impact: Supports the safe and ethical growth of emerging AI ventures. Aptitude: Forward-thinking, adaptability, problem-solving. Transferable Skills: Risk analysis, business advising, startup dynamics. Technical Skills: AI risk identification, mitigation strategies. Employers: AI startups, incubators, venture capital firms. Qualifications: Degree related to Business or AI; experience in startup environments.

NGOs & Nonprofits

NGO AI Safety Advocate

Purpose: To champion the cause of AI safety through non-profit initiatives. Impact: Increases public awareness and drives action towards AI safety from the grassroots. Aptitude: Advocacy, public speaking, passion for safety. Transferable Skills: Campaign management, networking, public relations. Technical Skills: AI risk assessment, event organization. Employers: Non-governmental organizations, foundations, advocacy groups. Qualifications: Relevant degree; experience in advocacy or NGO roles.

AI Existential Risk Research Funder

Purpose: To finance and support research focused on understanding and mitigating existential risks from AI. Impact: Enables groundbreaking research that could shape the future of AI safety. Aptitude: Financial acumen, foresight, commitment to long-term well-being. Transferable Skills: Fund allocation, risk assessment, networking. Technical Skills: Understanding of AI existential risks, research evaluation. Employers: Foundations, research institutions, philanthropic organizations. Qualifications: Degree in Finance or related field; understanding of AI risks.

NGO AI Policy Advisor

Purpose: To provide guidance and expertise to NGOs on AI policies and their implications. Impact: Contributes to the formulation of well-informed and impactful policies. Aptitude: Analytical thinking, communication, policy expertise. Transferable Skills: Public policy analysis, advocacy, networking. Technical Skills: AI knowledge, policy formulation. Employers: NGOs, think tanks, international organizations. Qualifications: Degree in public policy, law, or AI; experience in AI-related policy work.

International Cooperation Facilitator for AI Safety

Purpose: To coordinate and promote collaboration between nations on AI safety initiatives. Impact: Strengthens global unity and direction on AI safety. Aptitude: Diplomacy, networking, cross-cultural communication. Transferable Skills: Collaboration, negotiation, project management. Technical Skills: AI safety knowledge, international relations. Employers: International organizations, NGOs, governments. Qualifications: Degree in international relations, diplomacy, or AI.

Communication & Media

AI Safety Journalist

Purpose: To report on the latest advancements and challenges in AI safety. Impact: Educates the public and ensures transparency in AI developments. Aptitude: Investigative skills, writing, communication. Transferable Skills: Journalism, research, interviewing. Technical Skills: AI understanding, multimedia tools. Employers: Media houses, news agencies, independent publications. Qualifications: Degree in journalism or related field; knowledge of AI.

Documentary Filmmaker on AI Risks

Purpose: To create visual narratives about the implications and risks of AI. Impact: Raises awareness and educates the public in an engaging manner. Aptitude: Storytelling, filmmaking, research. Transferable Skills: Direction, cinematography, editing. Technical Skills: AI understanding, filmmaking tools. Employers: Film studios, independent productions, media agencies. Qualifications: Degree in filmmaking or related field; knowledge of AI.

AI Safety Podcast Host

Purpose: To host discussions on AI safety topics, interviewing experts and bringing insights to listeners. Impact: Engages audiences in crucial conversations about AI's trajectory. Aptitude: Communication, interviewing, curiosity. Transferable Skills: Public speaking, audio editing, networking. Technical Skills: AI understanding, podcasting tools. Employers: Media agencies, independent platforms, tech companies. Qualifications: Background in broadcasting or related field; AI knowledge.

AI Ethics Blogger

Purpose: To write about ethical challenges and considerations in AI. Impact: Helps shape public opinion and provides a platform for ethical discussions. Aptitude: Writing, research, critical thinking. Transferable Skills: Blogging, social media, content creation. Technical Skills: AI understanding, blogging platforms. Employers: Media companies, independent platforms, think tanks. Qualifications: Degree in philosophy, ethics, or AI; blogging experience.

AI Safety Book Author

Purpose: To produce comprehensive literature on AI safety. Impact: Educates readers at depth, shaping opinions and actions. Aptitude: Writing, research, long-term dedication. Transferable Skills: Publishing, networking, storytelling. Technical Skills: AI knowledge, writing tools. Employers: Publishing houses, independent. Qualifications: Strong writing credentials, extensive AI knowledge or research.

Community Building & Networking

AI Safety Community Organizer

Purpose: To bring together experts, researchers, and enthusiasts interested in AI safety. Impact: Fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing. Aptitude: Networking, event planning, leadership. Transferable Skills: Community management, event organization. Technical Skills: AI understanding, social media tools. Employers: Universities, tech companies, independent organizations. Qualifications: Experience in community building; understanding of AI topics.

AI Safety Conference Organizer

Purpose: To facilitate discussions, presentations, and workshops on AI safety. Impact: Advances the field through sharing of recent research and ideas. Aptitude: Organizational skills, networking, logistics. Transferable Skills: Event planning, PR, project management. Technical Skills: AI familiarity, conference tools. Employers: Academic institutions, tech conferences, corporations. Qualifications: Experience in organizing conferences/events; knowledge of AI.

AI Ethics Peer Review Coordinator

Purpose: To oversee and manage the process of peer review for AI ethics research. Impact: Ensures quality and rigor in published research. Aptitude: Analytical skills, attention to detail, communication. Transferable Skills: Academic research, editorial. Technical Skills: Knowledge in AI and ethics, academic publishing platforms. Employers: Academic journals, research institutions. Qualifications: Advanced degree in AI or related field; research or editorial experience.

AI Safety Mentor

Purpose: To guide and nurture upcoming talent in the field of AI safety. Impact: Shapes the next generation of AI safety experts. Aptitude: Teaching, guidance, expertise in AI safety. Transferable Skills: Mentoring, coaching. Technical Skills: Deep knowledge in AI safety. Employers: Universities, research labs, independent. Qualifications: Significant experience in AI safety, teaching or mentoring background.

AI Safety Internship Coordinator

Purpose: To organize and manage internships for students or newcomers in AI safety. Impact: Offers practical experience to those entering the field. Aptitude: Organizational skills, mentorship, communication. Transferable Skills: HR, program management. Technical Skills: AI understanding, internship program tools. Employers: Tech companies, research labs, universities. Qualifications: HR or program coordination experience; AI knowledge.

Economics & Sociology

Economic Theorist on AI Impact

Purpose: To study and predict the economic implications of AI advancements. Impact: Prepares economies for upcoming shifts due to AI. Aptitude: Analytical skills, economic modeling, forecasting. Transferable Skills: Economic research, data analysis. Technical Skills: Economic modeling, AI understanding. Employers: Research institutions, governments, think tanks. Qualifications: Degree in Economics; knowledge or specialization in AI.

Sociologist of AI and Human Interaction

Purpose: To understand how AI integration impacts human behaviors and societal structures. Impact: Offers insights for smoother AI integration into society. Aptitude: Research, observational skills, critical thinking. Transferable Skills: Sociological research, qualitative analysis. Technical Skills: AI familiarity, sociological research tools. Employers: Universities, research institutions. Qualifications: Degree in Sociology; interest or coursework in AI.

Study Designer for AI Societal Impact

Purpose: To create research designs that assess the societal impact of AI. Impact: Provides robust data on AI's influence on society. Aptitude: Research design, analytical thinking, creativity. Transferable Skills: Research methodology, experimental design. Technical Skills: AI understanding, research tools. Employers: Research institutions, tech companies. Qualifications: Degree in sociology, anthropology, or related fields; AI knowledge.

Labor Market Analyst for AI Shifts

Purpose: To predict how AI will affect job markets and employment. Impact: Assists in workforce planning and strategy. Aptitude: Data analysis, forecasting, research. Transferable Skills: Labor market research, economic analysis. Technical Skills: AI understanding, data analytics tools. Employers: Governments, consultancy firms, research institutions. Qualifications: Degree in economics, labor studies; AI familiarity.

AI Economic Impact Assessor

Purpose: To measure and report on AI's influence on the economy. Impact: Provides data-backed insights for policy-making and business strategy. Aptitude: Analytical skills, economic modeling. Transferable Skills: Economic impact assessment, data analysis. Technical Skills: AI familiarity, economic modeling tools. Employers: Governments, consultancy firms. Qualifications: Degree in Economics; AI knowledge or coursework.

Community Building & Networking

AI Safety Community Organizer

Purpose: To bring together experts, researchers, and enthusiasts interested in AI safety. Impact: Fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing. Aptitude: Networking, event planning, leadership. Transferable Skills: Community management, event organization. Technical Skills: AI understanding, social media tools. Employers: Universities, tech companies, independent organizations. Qualifications: Experience in community building; understanding of AI topics.

AI Safety Conference Organizer

Purpose: To facilitate discussions, presentations, and workshops on AI safety. Impact: Advances the field through sharing of recent research and ideas. Aptitude: Organizational skills, networking, logistics. Transferable Skills: Event planning, PR, project management. Technical Skills: AI familiarity, conference tools. Employers: Academic institutions, tech conferences, corporations. Qualifications: Experience in organizing conferences/events; knowledge of AI.

AI Ethics Peer Review Coordinator

Purpose: To oversee and manage the process of peer review for AI ethics research. Impact: Ensures quality and rigor in published research. Aptitude: Analytical skills, attention to detail, communication. Transferable Skills: Academic research, editorial. Technical Skills: Knowledge in AI and ethics, academic publishing platforms. Employers: Academic journals, research institutions. Qualifications: Advanced degree in AI or related field; research or editorial experience.

AI Safety Mentor

Purpose: To guide and nurture upcoming talent in the field of AI safety. Impact: Shapes the next generation of AI safety experts. Aptitude: Teaching, guidance, expertise in AI safety. Transferable Skills: Mentoring, coaching. Technical Skills: Deep knowledge in AI safety. Employers: Universities, research labs, independent. Qualifications: Significant experience in AI safety, teaching or mentoring background.

AI Safety Internship Coordinator

Purpose: To organize and manage internships for students or newcomers in AI safety. Impact: Offers practical experience to those entering the field. Aptitude: Organizational skills, mentorship, communication. Transferable Skills: HR, program management. Technical Skills: AI understanding, internship program tools. Employers: Tech companies, research labs, universities. Qualifications: HR or program coordination experience; AI knowledge.

Economics & Sociology

Economic Theorist on AI Impact

Purpose: To study and predict the economic implications of AI advancements. Impact: Prepares economies for upcoming shifts due to AI. Aptitude: Analytical skills, economic modeling, forecasting. Transferable Skills: Economic research, data analysis. Technical Skills: Economic modeling, AI understanding. Employers: Research institutions, governments, think tanks. Qualifications: Degree in Economics; knowledge or specialization in AI.

Sociologist of AI and Human Interaction

Purpose: To understand how AI integration impacts human behaviors and societal structures. Impact: Offers insights for smoother AI integration into society. Aptitude: Research, observational skills, critical thinking. Transferable Skills: Sociological research, qualitative analysis. Technical Skills: AI familiarity, sociological research tools. Employers: Universities, research institutions. Qualifications: Degree in Sociology; interest or coursework in AI.

Study Designer for AI Societal Impact

Purpose: To create research designs that assess the societal impact of AI. Impact: Provides robust data on AI's influence on society. Aptitude: Research design, analytical thinking, creativity. Transferable Skills: Research methodology, experimental design. Technical Skills: AI understanding, research tools. Employers: Research institutions, tech companies. Qualifications: Degree in sociology, anthropology, or related fields; AI knowledge.

Labor Market Analyst for AI Shifts

Purpose: To predict how AI will affect job markets and employment. Impact: Assists in workforce planning and strategy. Aptitude: Data analysis, forecasting, research. Transferable Skills: Labor market research, economic analysis. Technical Skills: AI understanding, data analytics tools. Employers: Governments, consultancy firms, research institutions. Qualifications: Degree in economics, labor studies; AI familiarity.

AI Economic Impact Assessor

Purpose: To measure and report on AI's influence on the economy. Impact: Provides data-backed insights for policy-making and business strategy. Aptitude: Analytical skills, economic modeling. Transferable Skills: Economic impact assessment, data analysis. Technical Skills: AI familiarity, economic modeling tools. Employers: Governments, consultancy firms. Qualifications: Degree in Economics; AI knowledge or coursework.

Psychology & Anthropology

Human-AI Interaction Psychologist

Purpose: To understand the psychological dynamics between humans and AI. Impact: Facilitates more effective and empathetic AI-human interactions. Aptitude: Empathy, analytical thinking, psychology knowledge. Transferable Skills: Clinical psychology, counseling. Technical Skills: AI understanding, psychology research tools. Employers: Tech companies, research institutions. Qualifications: PhD in Psychology; courses in AI or human-computer interaction.

Anthropologist of AI Cultures

Purpose: To study how AI shapes human culture and social systems. Impact: Provides insights into cultural shifts caused by AI. Aptitude: Research, observational skills, cultural awareness. Transferable Skills: Anthropological research, fieldwork. Technical Skills: AI familiarity, ethnographic methods. Employers: Universities, cultural research institutions. Qualifications: Degree in Anthropology; coursework in AI or technology studies.

AI Impact Therapist

Purpose: To address psychological issues stemming from AI interactions or displacements. Impact: Aids individuals in coping with a rapidly changing AI-centric world. Aptitude: Empathy, active listening, therapeutic techniques. Transferable Skills: Clinical therapy, counseling. Technical Skills: AI understanding, therapeutic methodologies. Employers: Mental health institutions, private practice. Qualifications: Licensed therapist or counselor; AI coursework or workshops.

Study Designer for Psychological Impacts of AI

Purpose: To design studies that measure AI's impact on human psychology. Impact: Provides insights into AI's influence on human psyche. Aptitude: Research design, analytical thinking. Transferable Skills: Psychology research, experimental design. Technical Skills: AI understanding, research tools. Employers: Research institutions, tech companies. Qualifications: Degree in psychology, research methods experience; AI familiarity.

Security & Defense

AI Defensive Strategy Expert

Purpose: To design strategies to defend AI systems from malicious attacks. Impact: Protects AI infrastructure and data integrity. Aptitude: Analytical thinking, foresight, cybersecurity knowledge. Transferable Skills: Cybersecurity strategy, risk assessment. Technical Skills: AI systems knowledge, security protocols. Employers: Tech companies, governments, defense departments. Qualifications: Degree in cybersecurity or related; AI coursework.

AI Offense Identification Specialist

Purpose: To identify and understand potential offensive threats against AI systems. Impact: Prepares defenses against AI threats. Aptitude: Investigative skills, analytical thinking. Transferable Skills: Cyber threat identification, forensics. Technical Skills: AI systems knowledge, cybersecurity tools. Employers: Tech companies, governments, defense agencies. Qualifications: Cybersecurity degree or equivalent; AI systems training.

AI Threat Assessment Professional

Purpose: To evaluate potential risks and vulnerabilities in AI systems. Impact: Ensures AI systems are robust against known and emerging threats. Aptitude: Risk assessment, analytical thinking. Transferable Skills: Cyber threat analysis, vulnerability assessment. Technical Skills: AI understanding, cybersecurity tools. Employers: Tech companies, security consultancy firms. Qualifications: Degree in cybersecurity; AI system familiarity.

AI Attack Surface Analyzer

Purpose: To examine and identify vulnerable points in AI systems. Impact: Reduces potential points of entry for malicious actors. Aptitude: Investigative skills, detail-oriented thinking. Transferable Skills: System vulnerability analysis, cybersecurity. Technical Skills: AI system knowledge, cybersecurity tools. Employers: Tech companies, defense departments. Qualifications: Cybersecurity degree; AI system coursework.

AI Safety Red Teamer

Purpose: To simulate attacks on AI systems to test their defenses. Impact: Strengthens AI systems by exposing and rectifying weaknesses. Aptitude: Penetration testing, creativity, adaptability. Transferable Skills: Red teaming, ethical hacking. Technical Skills: AI systems knowledge, penetration testing tools. Employers: Tech companies, defense agencies. Qualifications: Ethical hacking certification; AI familiarity.

International Relations & Diplomacy

Diplomat for AI Safety Treaties

Purpose: To negotiate international agreements on AI safety and ethics. Impact: Establishes global standards and cooperation on AI development. Aptitude: Diplomacy, negotiation, intercultural understanding. Transferable Skills: International relations, treaty negotiations. Technical Skills: Knowledge of AI and its implications. Employers: Governments, international organizations. Qualifications: Degree in International Relations or Law; AI coursework or workshops.

International AI Safety Collaborator

Purpose: To foster collaboration between nations on AI safety research and policy. Impact: Ensures global cooperation in AI development and deployment. Aptitude: Collaboration, intercultural communication. Transferable Skills: International project management, diplomacy. Technical Skills: AI understanding, cross-cultural communication tools. Employers: International NGOs, research institutions. Qualifications: Degree in International Relations; AI familiarity.

UN Representative for AI Safety

Purpose: To represent AI safety concerns at the United Nations. Impact: Brings AI safety and ethics to global discussions. Aptitude: Diplomacy, international law, public speaking. Transferable Skills: UN negotiations, international policy advocacy. Technical Skills: AI policy knowledge. Employers: Governments, international organizations. Qualifications: Degree in International Relations or Law; knowledge of AI policy.

Legal & Juridical

AI Legal Theorist

Purpose: To develop legal theories and frameworks for AI. Impact: Establishes the legal groundwork for AI rights and responsibilities. Aptitude: Legal reasoning, analytical thinking. Transferable Skills: Legal research, legal theory. Technical Skills: AI familiarity, legal databases. Employers: Law schools, think tanks. Qualifications: JD or equivalent; coursework in AI or technology law.

AI Liability Lawyer

Purpose: To represent parties in cases involving AI liabilities. Impact: Ensures justice in AI-related incidents. Aptitude: Legal reasoning, argumentation. Transferable Skills: Litigation, legal counseling. Technical Skills: AI legal knowledge. Employers: Law firms, tech companies. Qualifications: JD or equivalent; specialization in AI law.

AI Patent Specialist for Safety

Purpose: To oversee AI-related patents with a focus on safety. Impact: Ensures AI innovations are protected and safely implemented. Aptitude: Detail-oriented, legal analysis. Transferable Skills: Patent law, intellectual property. Technical Skills: AI understanding, patent databases. Employers: Tech companies, law firms. Qualifications: JD or equivalent; specialization in patent law and AI.

AI Rights Advocate

Purpose: To advocate for the rights of AI entities and their proper treatment. Impact: Raises ethical considerations in the development and use of AI. Aptitude: Advocacy, public speaking, ethical reasoning. Transferable Skills: Human rights advocacy, legal defense. Technical Skills: AI ethics knowledge. Employers: NGOs, advocacy groups. Qualifications: Degree in Law, Philosophy, or Ethics; AI ethics coursework.

Medical & Healthcare

AI in Healthcare Safety Expert

Purpose: Ensure AI implementations in healthcare settings are safe and effective. Impact: Enhanced patient care and reduced medical errors. Aptitude: Medical knowledge, tech understanding. Transferable Skills: Healthcare management, medical research. Technical Skills: AI in healthcare understanding, patient data analysis. Employers: Hospitals, healthcare tech companies. Qualifications: Medical degree or Nursing degree; AI training.

Medical Ethics Expert for AI Integration

Purpose: Provide ethical guidance for integrating AI in medical practices. Impact: Ethical patient care using AI technologies. Aptitude: Medical and ethical reasoning. Transferable Skills: Medical ethics, health policy. Technical Skills: AI ethics, medical AI tools. Employers: Hospitals, medical schools. Qualifications: Degree in Medical Ethics or Bioethics; AI knowledge.

AI Healthcare Regulation Expert

Purpose: Establish and enforce regulatory standards for AI in healthcare. Impact: Safe and standardized AI-based healthcare solutions. Aptitude: Regulatory knowledge, healthcare understanding. Transferable Skills: Healthcare law, regulation development. Technical Skills: Medical AI, regulatory databases. Employers: Government agencies, international health organizations. Qualifications: Medical or Law degree; training in AI and regulations.

Infrastructure & Systems

AI Safety Systems Architect

Purpose: Design systems to ensure AI operates safely in various infrastructures. Impact: Robust and fail-safe AI integration in essential systems. Aptitude: Systems design, risk assessment. Transferable Skills: Systems engineering, infrastructure planning. Technical Skills: AI integration, safety protocols. Employers: Tech companies, government agencies. Qualifications: Degree in Systems Engineering or Computer Science; AI safety training.

Infrastructure Safety Analyst for AI Integrations

Purpose: Assess and ensure AI integrations into existing infrastructures are safe. Impact: Smooth and safe transition to AI-augmented infrastructures. Aptitude: Analytical thinking, infrastructure knowledge. Transferable Skills: Infrastructure analysis, risk assessment. Technical Skills: AI tools, safety protocols. Employers: Urban planning agencies, tech companies. Qualifications: Degree in Civil Engineering or Architecture; AI training.

AI Failover Systems Designer

Purpose: Design systems that take over if AI fails, ensuring continuity. Impact: Seamless operations even during AI failures. Aptitude: System design, reliability engineering. Transferable Skills: Systems engineering, continuity planning. Technical Skills: AI understanding, backup systems design. Employers: Tech companies, government agencies. Qualifications: Degree in Systems Engineering or Computer Science; AI reliability courses.

Finance & Economics

AI Financial Systems Safety Expert

Purpose: Ensure that AI implementations in financial systems are secure and operate as intended. Impact: Stable financial markets and investor trust. Aptitude: Finance and tech understanding. Transferable Skills: Financial systems management, risk assessment. Technical Skills: AI in finance understanding, financial data analysis. Employers: Banks, fintech companies. Qualifications: Degree in Finance or Economics; AI safety training.

AI Impact Economic Analyst

Purpose: Analyze and predict economic changes due to AI integrations. Impact: Informed policymaking and business decisions. Aptitude: Economic forecasting. Transferable Skills: Economic analysis, data modeling. Technical Skills: AI trends understanding, economic forecasting tools. Employers: Government agencies, think tanks. Qualifications: Degree in Economics; training in AI trends.

AI Economic Disruption Predictor

Purpose: Predict sectors most likely to be disrupted by AI advancements. Impact: Preparedness for economic shifts, job market transitions. Aptitude: Foresight, economic and tech trends. Transferable Skills: Market research, trend analysis. Technical Skills: AI capabilities understanding, economic modeling. Employers: Consultancies, research institutions. Qualifications: Degree in Economics or Data Science; AI trends knowledge.

Art & Culture

AI Safety Science Fiction Author

Purpose: Explore AI futures and safety concerns through fiction. Impact: Public awareness and discourse on AI implications. Aptitude: Creative writing, tech understanding. Transferable Skills: Storytelling, tech journalism. Technical Skills: AI scenarios, fiction writing. Employers: Book publishers, magazines. Qualifications: Writing background; understanding of AI concepts.

Artist Exploring AI and Humanity

Purpose: Use art to comment on the interplay between AI and human society. Impact: Cultural reflections on AI's role in our lives. Aptitude: Artistic expression, tech curiosity. Transferable Skills: Various art mediums, exhibition planning. Technical Skills: AI basics, art creation. Employers: Art galleries, festivals. Qualifications: Artistic background; AI familiarity.

Theater Producer Focusing on AI Ethics Themes

Purpose: Produce plays that bring AI ethics discussions to the stage. Impact: Public engagement and debate on AI ethics. Aptitude: Production skills, script evaluation. Transferable Skills: Event management, public relations. Technical Skills: Play production, AI understanding. Employers: Theater companies, art foundations. Qualifications: Background in Theater Production; AI ethics interest.

Environment & Ecology

Environmental Impact Assessor of AI

Purpose: Evaluate AI's impact on the environment, e.g., energy consumption. Impact: Sustainable AI developments. Aptitude: Environmental science, tech evaluation. Transferable Skills: Environmental impact assessments, sustainability. Technical Skills: AI infrastructure knowledge, environmental metrics. Employers: Environmental agencies, tech companies. Qualifications: Degree in Environmental Science; AI understanding.

AI for Sustainable Development Ethics Expert

Purpose: Ensure AI applications in sustainable development are ethically sound. Impact: Ethical advancements in sustainability. Aptitude: Ethics, sustainable development. Transferable Skills: Environmental ethics, policy recommendations. Technical Skills: AI in sustainability, ethical evaluations. Employers: NGOs, sustainable development organizations. Qualifications: Degree in Environmental Ethics or Sustainability; AI knowledge.

AI Environmental Regulation Expert

Purpose: Develop and enforce regulations for AI's impact on the environment. Impact: Reduced negative environmental impacts from AI operations. Aptitude: Regulatory frameworks, environmental science. Transferable Skills: Environmental law, policy creation. Technical Skills: AI environmental impact assessment, regulation drafting. Employers: Government agencies, environmental organizations. Qualifications: Degree in Environmental Law or Policy; AI trends understanding.

Utilities & Resources

AI for Energy Sector Safety Expert

Purpose: Ensure AI systems in the energy sector operate safely and efficiently. Impact: Stable and efficient energy distribution. Aptitude: Energy systems, tech understanding. Transferable Skills: Energy management, risk assessment. Technical Skills: AI in energy systems understanding, energy data analysis. Employers: Energy companies, green tech startups. Qualifications: Degree in Energy or Engineering; AI safety training.

Water Systems AI Safety Analyst

Purpose: Analyze and secure AI implementations in water distribution and purification. Impact: Safe and efficient water supply. Aptitude: Water systems, tech savvy. Transferable Skills: Water resource management, data analysis. Technical Skills: AI in water systems understanding, hydro data analysis. Employers: Utility companies, government agencies. Qualifications: Degree in Hydrology or Engineering; AI familiarity.

AI Food Supply Chain Safety Expert

Purpose: Ensure AI-driven food supply chains operate safely and transparently. Impact: Safe and efficient food distribution. Aptitude: Supply chain management, tech understanding. Transferable Skills: Logistics, risk assessment. Technical Skills: AI in logistics, supply chain data analysis. Employers: Agriculture companies, food distributors. Qualifications: Degree in Agriculture Business or Logistics; AI understanding.

Transportation & Logistics

Autonomous Vehicle Safety Expert

Purpose: Ensure the safety of AI-driven autonomous vehicles. Impact: Safe roads and efficient transportation. Aptitude: Vehicle systems, AI understanding. Transferable Skills: Vehicle safety, data analysis. Technical Skills: Autonomous vehicle tech, safety testing. Employers: Car manufacturers, tech companies. Qualifications: Degree in Automotive Engineering; AI specialization.

AI Aviation Safety Analyst

Purpose: Monitor and ensure AI-driven systems in aviation are safe. Impact: Safe air travel. Aptitude: Aviation, tech understanding. Transferable Skills: Air traffic control, risk assessment. Technical Skills: AI in aviation, flight data analysis. Employers: Airlines, aviation tech companies. Qualifications: Degree in Aviation or Aeronautics; AI knowledge.

Shipping and Maritime AI Safety Expert

Purpose: Ensure AI systems in maritime transport are reliable and safe. Impact: Safe and efficient sea transportation. Aptitude: Maritime systems, AI savvy. Transferable Skills: Ship operations, logistics. Technical Skills: AI in maritime operations, navigation data analysis. Employers: Shipping companies, port authorities. Qualifications: Degree in Maritime Studies; AI familiarity.

Urban Planning & Architecture

Smart City AI Safety Designer

Purpose: Design safe AI-driven systems for smart cities. Impact: Efficient, sustainable, and safe urban areas. Aptitude: Urban planning, tech foresight. Transferable Skills: City design, infrastructure planning. Technical Skills: Smart city technologies, data modeling. Employers: City governments, urban tech companies. Qualifications: Degree in Urban Planning; AI specialization.

Urban Infrastructure AI Integration Safety Expert

Purpose: Integrate AI safely into urban infrastructure systems. Impact: Efficient and reliable urban utilities. Aptitude: Infrastructure design, AI understanding. Transferable Skills: Infrastructure management, risk assessment. Technical Skills: AI integration, infrastructure data analysis. Employers: Municipal governments, infrastructure companies. Qualifications: Degree in Civil Engineering; AI training.

AI Augmented Architectural Safety Designer

Purpose: Design structures that integrate AI systems safely. Impact: Innovative and safe buildings. Aptitude: Architectural design, tech incorporation. Transferable Skills: Building design, structural analysis. Technical Skills: AI in architecture, building data analysis. Employers: Architectural firms, construction companies. Qualifications: Degree in Architecture; AI integration training.


AI Ethics in Fashion

Purpose: Ensure that AI-driven solutions in the fashion industry are developed and utilized ethically. Impact: Ethical production, distribution, and consumption in fashion. Aptitude: Fashion industry knowledge, ethical considerations. Transferable Skills: Trend analysis, ethical sourcing. Technical Skills: AI applications in fashion, data interpretation. Employers: Fashion houses, retail brands. Qualifications: Degree in Fashion; Ethics or AI training.

AI Safety in Recreation & Sports

Purpose: Oversee the safe integration and use of AI in recreational and sports activities. Impact: Safer and more enjoyable recreational experiences. Aptitude: Sports industry knowledge, tech application. Transferable Skills: Sports management, safety protocols. Technical Skills: AI in sports analysis, performance data analytics. Employers: Sports organizations, recreational centers. Qualifications: Degree in Sports Management or related; AI familiarity.

Space Exploration AI Safety Expert

Purpose: Ensure AI technologies in space exploration are robust and safe. Impact: Effective and secure space missions. Aptitude: Space science, AI understanding. Transferable Skills: Mission planning, risk assessment. Technical Skills: AI in space tech, astro-data analysis. Employers: Space agencies, aerospace companies. Qualifications: Degree in Aerospace Engineering or Astrophysics; AI specialization.

AI Safety in Real Estate and Construction

Purpose: Oversee the safe implementation of AI in real estate and construction projects. Impact: Efficient and safe construction and property management. Aptitude: Real estate and construction knowledge, tech application. Transferable Skills: Property management, construction safety. Technical Skills: AI in construction tech, real estate market analysis. Employers: Construction firms, real estate companies. Qualifications: Degree in Civil Engineering or Real Estate; AI training.

AI Safety in Retail and E-Commerce

Purpose: Ensure safe and reliable use of AI in retail and online shopping experiences. Impact: Enhanced and secure shopping experiences. Aptitude: Retail industry knowledge, tech savvy. Transferable Skills: Retail management, e-commerce operations. Technical Skills: AI in e-commerce platforms, customer data analysis. Employers: Retail chains, e-commerce giants. Qualifications: Degree in Business or Marketing; AI familiarity.

AI Safety in Education and Learning

Purpose: Ensure AI-driven educational tools and platforms are safe and effective. Impact: Enhanced and secure learning experiences. Aptitude: Education sector knowledge, AI integration. Transferable Skills: Curriculum development, edtech application. Technical Skills: AI in learning platforms, educational data analysis. Employers: Educational institutions, edtech companies. Qualifications: Degree in Education; AI or Tech training.

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Careers That Matter provides online programs to teenagers across the globe. The organisation is based in Melbourne Australia. We have students from across Australia including Sydney, NSW 2000, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Brisbane, QLD 4000, Perth, WA 6000, Adelaide, SA 5000, Hobart, TAS 7000, Canberra, ACT 2600, Darwin, NT 0800. We also take students from The United Kingdom including London, Europe, and the United States including New York , Canada, New Zealand including Auckkland and Wellington, and Asia including Singapore and Malaysia.